
Mobile Strike - Change Mail and Account Password

Changing my account e-mail address, my Mobile Strike username:

From the Mobile Strike Game app OPTIONS we can ask to change the email address associated to our account. We will receive an email from epicwar-online.com on our old email account to confirm we want to change our account email address.

Once we have changed our email account to access Mobile Strike Game, we have to log out from Mobile Strike and log with our new email account. We will see that all our resources, gold, troops and commander are there :-) And if we try to log in with our old email account we will get an error.

We can make a new account with our old email address.

The reason why i wanted to change all data is that i have no way to play around my server while high level players are attacking my base every day... and i want to share that mobile strike account (something useless since one year after i notice that my account is linked to my previous phone and i need to follow some steps i should have received on my mail box, if i want to check that account again...)


Now, how i change the account password??? There is no option inside the game...

In fact, we only have to log out and press on "i forgot my pasword"!!! :-)

So, username is mobilestrikelostone@gmail.com and password is mobilestrikelostone

Desde las opciones del juego tenemos la opción de cambiar el correo electrónico asociado a nuestra cuenta, en mi caso he creado el correo electrónico mobilestrikelostone {@} gmail.com todo junto.

epicwar-online.com me ha enviado un correo electrónico a la dirección de correo electrónico con la que empecé la partida, he pulsado confirmar y me ha llevado a una página web confirmando el cambio de correo electrónico.

Hay que cerrar sesión de nuestra cuenta de Mobile Strike y acceder con la nueva dirección de correo electrónico y usando la misma contraseña que teníamos para acceder al juego. Seguiremos accediendo a nuestra cuenta con nuestras tropas y comandante :-)

La pregunta que me planteo ahora es:
 ¿¿¿cómo cambio ahora la contraseña de acceso a mi cuenta???

 Cerrar sesión -> "He olvidado la contraseña"!!! -:-)
